STEINER keeps a close eye on new trends in technology for the food industry.

Gulfood, the largest annual exhibition for the food and hospitality industry worldwide, is a key event in the Middle East and Asia. It brings together various sectors: Food & Beverage, Beverage Equipment, Restaurants & Coffee Houses, and Service & Hospitality. Gulfood is held annually at the Dubai International Trade Centre, UAE, the Middle East's trade hub.

Renowned for its excellent organisation, luxurious facilities and unique business opportunities, Gulfood brings together around 5,000 exhibitors, 93,000 visitors and over 20,000 brands. Ministers and senior executives from more than 21 countries attend the event each year and use the unique business environment to strike long-term deals and participate in world-class events such as congresses and knowledge-sharing forums.

STEINER successfully participated in the Gulfood2023 exhibition in Dubai. During the event, our representatives held meetings with a number of partners and potential suppliers, thereby expanding the range of possible business relationships.

Окрім цього, отримали цінний досвід, ознайомившись з останніми технологічними рішеннями в галузі харчової промисловості. Участь у дегустаціях нових продуктів та участь у конференціях дозволили отримати важливі інсайти та оновлення щодо тенденцій у галузі. Цей візит обіцяє нові можливості та позитивно вплине на подальший розвиток компанії.