Company Selo (the Netherlands) is an engineering company and a world leader in the comprehensive provision of modern production equipment to food processing companies:
• mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces and dressings;
• meat and vegetable-based baby food;
• jams, preserves and toppings;
• aseptic fruit fillers;
• ready-made first and second courses;
• wet animal feed.
Over the years, SELO has become a world leader in the supply of technological equipment and a recommended supplier for such giant companies as Nestle, Unilever, Heinz, Mars, Puratos, Unifine and others in each of the areas represented.

Basic principles and concept of Selo:
• The "technology to equipment" approach
• Hygienic design;
• High performance;
• Designing and implementing turnkey projects;
For more information, please contact our technical specialists Steiner Ukraine - the official distributor of Selo in Ukraine - by phone +380 44 390 73 38.