Our lives are constantly changing and modernising. This also applies to business. New technologies and inventions are changing the way we produce food.
Despite the war, the food industry remains one of the most optimistic sectors of the Ukrainian manufacturing industry. On the one hand, food producers have also suffered huge losses: supply chains have been disrupted, sea exports have been blocked, and production facilities in some areas have been damaged. On the other hand, the food sector has demonstrated relative stability in comparison to other activities. Industries that provide basic needs for the population have daily demands both domestically and abroad.
According to the IED survey, food producers are often operating at 100% or more capacity than before the war. The food industry is best positioned to maintain its strong capacity not only to feed citizens, but also to feed the country's economy in times of war.
The transformation of the existing food industry is an opportunity to maintain positions and increase revenue. Expanding the range of products and improving quality directly depends on the equipment used to produce these products. It is worth noting that not every device can increase productivity.
Steiner - Ukraine offers a wide range of equipment and services for the modernisation and reconstruction of food production facilities. Prepare for the implementation of international production quality standards. To get acquainted with the range of production equipment and get detailed advice, please call ☎ +38 044 390 73 38.