From 8 to 14 May, Düsseldorf hosted the Interpack 2014 international equipment exhibition.
В рамках цієї виставки компанія “Штайнер-Україна” відвідала стенди своїх партнерів.
The 2014 exhibition showcased a number of new products, including those from our company's suppliers.
For example, VacuumBarrierSystem (Belgium) has introduced its newest product - a liquid nitrogen dispenser for low-consumption production lines with a more affordable price category. The new dispenser is suitable for installation on various filling machines with different speeds up to 12,000 bottles/hour. This development is essential for the Ukrainian market, as most of the requests we receive are for nitrogen dispensers in this speed range. This, together with the launch of the new generation of G2 dosing units with updated software to the latest Siemens or Allen-Bradley PLC version, creates a complete range.
Another pleasant surprise was the software update from Steriflow (France), a leader in horizontal water cascade autoclaves, which installed a new version of MPI - ExpertHT 2000. This upgrade makes the system more powerful and reliable thanks to the built-in UPS. This minimises production disruptions by automatically restarting when necessary and deleting temporary files, which in turn significantly increases the efficiency of the autoclave.
Other novelties presented at the exhibition include a modernised vacuum sealing machine Zacmi (Italy). This machine was specially developed for Bonduelle. In addition to the advantages in the mechanics of the machine, the can and lid feeders were modernised, which reduced vacuum losses inside the machine to a minimum.
Company Effytec (Spain) – виробник горизонтальних автоматів для дой-пак та саше-пакетів – представила на своєму стенді декілька машин, одна з яких – модель GP-60. Це високошвидкісний автомат для пакетів великого об’єму, спеціально обладнаний кількома етапами запайки пакета як звичайним, так і ультразвуковим зварюванням. Також ця машина обладнана дозатором мультиінгредієнтів, що дозволяє фасувати різнотиповий продукт в один пакет в рамках одного пристрою на великих швидкостях. Все це в поєднанні з інноваційними рішеннями Effytec in the mechanics of the machine makes it the best choice for the customer.
One of the important achievements of our visit was also the agreement on strategic partnership with Somic (Germany), a world-renowned manufacturer of cartoning machines for both single and group products.
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