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Pet food production (part 3)

У попередніх частинах цієї статті ми вже розглянули підготовчий етап (сировина) та етап приготування безпосередньо вологих кормів для тварин. У цій частині ми розглянемо завершальний, але не менш важливий етап – упаковка і термічна обробка.

Machines for packing and sealing bags with a stable bottom

Selo supplies integrated bag filling solutions in combination with single or double filling systems.

The machine is based on the principle of a rotating alternating action carousel. As the carousel rotates, the pouch passes through various stations where specific actions such as opening, filling and sealing are performed. Above the filling machine is an integrated multi-head dispenser with a buffer belt, with a capacity of 80 to 160 bags per minute. Pouching is available in a variety of variants.


The advantages of machines for packing and sealing bags with a stable bottom:

  • High technological flexibility: the ability to change from one product to another within 5 minutes
  • High degree of automation: minimum manual intervention in the machine mechanism in case of configuration changes
  • Extended size range: the ability to work with packages of different sizes
  • High performance
  • Співвідношення ціни-якості: якісний продукт з розумною сумою капіталовкладення – в результаті висока рентабельність
  • Easy to operate (touch screen control)
  • Можливість збереження програм і швидка зміна рецептури (3 – 4 хвилини)
  • Requires a small production area
  • Easy to clean (IP65)


The closed packs are sent via a conveyor to the label printing machine, passing through a weight checker equipped with a reject-stop function. After printing the batch number/date, etc., the packs are sent in rows via a conveyor to the distributor to place the finished product units according to the format of the steel trays.

The palletising robot moves a certain number of finished product units into steel trays, which are placed into the autoclave trolleys. The filled trolleys are moved automatically by a double chain conveyor directly to the autoclave for heat treatment.

Раніше ми вже писали статтю про стерилізацію м’ясної продукції. З цією статтею Ви можете ознайомитись за посиланням sterilisation of pates

Automation and control

The automation and control system is an important part of the turnkey supply of a wet pet food production line. Selo uses control systems from Allen Bradley and Siemens to manage the recipe, batch preparation and remote service support.

The topic of wet feed production is quite in-depth, and if you have any questions, you can talk in more detail about this topic with the specialists of Steiner-Ukraine, the exclusive representative of Selo in Ukraine.


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Tags: pet foodselo

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