A modern industrial autoclave є складним, високотехнологічним обладнанням, одними з найголовніших переваг якого мають бути – простота обслуговування та експлуатації, надійність, довговічність, відповідність санітарно-епідеміологічним вимогам, мала енерговитратність, висока продуктивність. Autoclaving is the most common method of sterilisation.
How to choose the right autoclave for your business? First of all, before choosing an autoclave, you need to clearly understand what goals and tasks you need this equipment for.
There are several factors to consider that will help you make the right choice:
The answers to these questions will allow you to find the right options for you, offered by the supplier of autoclaves and other necessary canning equipment.
You should also pay attention to the type of autoclave you want. There are four main types of autoclaves that can be used depending on the specific needs and requirements of your business:
Autoclaves with gravity circulation cooling: This type of autoclave uses gravity circulation for cooling after the sterilisation cycle. They are usually simple in design and reliable in operation, but cooling times can be long.
Autoclaves with forced circulation cooling: This type of autoclave uses a pump to actively circulate water for rapid cooling after the sterilisation cycle. They provide rapid cooling and reduce overall cycle time, making them efficient for production needs.
Vacuum autoclaves: These autoclaves are used to sterilise materials that require the complete removal of air from the chamber. They create a vacuum to remove the air and then fill the chamber with steam for sterilisation. Vacuum autoclaves effectively sterilise a wide variety of materials.
Pre-vacuum autoclaves: This type of autoclave combines vacuum and circulation technology for a fast and efficient sterilisation process. They are capable of rapid evacuation of air from the chamber and distribution of sterilising steam, making them ideal for production environments with a high volume of sterilisation.
Only by addressing these priority issues will you be able to purchase the best possible option for your production.
Looking for the most productive equipment?
Company STERIFLOW (France) is a world leader in the production of horizontal autoclaves and the original developer of the water cascade heat treatment technology.
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Discover solutions for your business from STERIFLOW.
📞 +38 (044) 390-7338
📧 info@steiner.com.com
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