Today, food producers are looking for ways to extend shelf life, while the modern consumer wants to be sure of the quality of the product they buy. Often, the most common methods in this area are:
Of all the above methods, the process of vacuuming products is the most common. Today, it is the main method of storage without the addition of chemicals.
The increase in service life is achieved by reducing the oxygen content in the packaging, which in turn prevents the development of oxygen-absorbing microorganisms (aerobic bacteria), fungi and microorganisms that negatively affect the condition of the product.
Вакуум – це простір, вільний від речовини. У техніці під даним терміном мають на увазі середовище, яке складається з газу або тиску, значно нижче атмосферного.
Thus, vacuuming is the process of removing air from around the product, followed by hermetic packaging. The quality of this process determines how long the product's properties are preserved.
In addition to extending the life of the product, this technology also allows for a longer consumption period:
However, there are many nuances that you should consider before purchasing packaging machinery. Using professional packaging equipment solves more than one problem at once.
One of the main advantages of vacuum packaging is its high profitability. For example, savings on the cost of vacuum packaging compared to glass or tin cans for each kg of finished product, as well as savings in storage space and transportation of finished products due to the smaller volume and weight of finished products, are more than 60%. And this is only the first advantage.
По-друге, бар’єрний пластиковий пакет має в кілька разів нижчу собівартість, а відповідно і ціну для виробника харчового продукту, який використовує ці пакети, порівняно зі скляною або металевою тарою плюс кришки, етикетки, клей і т.д. Для виробництва тонни пластикових пакетів потрібно вчетверо менше енергії, ніж для виробництва тонни металевої тари.
По-третє, ця упаковка ідеальна для транспортування та за іншими показниками: пластиковий пакет не рветься, не б’ється, прагне зайняти найменший обсяг. За умови правильної сучасної технології виробництва пластиковий пакет, завдяки плоским широким спеціальним швам, може витримати зовнішній тиск у сотні кілограм.
Fourthly, with the use of a zip lock, the product can be repeatedly removed from the bag, each time hermetically sealed. This significantly extends the time of use of the product without losing its quality.
When using vacuum packaging equipment, the most important parameters are the speed, the pressure of the air drawn from the vacuum chamber and the maximum pump pressure.
Before deciding on a model, you need to clearly understand how much product is produced over a certain period of time. Today, vacuum packaging is one of the most popular and practical types of packaging that will help you bring your product to market.
Steiner-Ukraine will help you to make your production even more profitable and increase the shelf life of your products.
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