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Packaging machines for nails, fasteners, electrodes and bearings

Packaging of hardware products is a very labour-intensive and complex process, as in most cases, metal product manufacturers have the most stringent requirements for equipment. It involves frequent transitions from packaging one type of product to another, from one format to another. This also means working in two or even three shifts, and always with maximum productivity. pharmaceutical and cosmetic to various divisions, such as hardware, plastic, as well as the sector of forming fasteners and other kits.

Types of equipment

Imanpack equipment can be divided into the following types according to its purpose:

- for packaging nails and various fasteners;

- for packaging various oversized metal products;

- for packaging spare parts;

- for electrode packaging;

- for packing bearings;

- for forming sets of parts and fasteners (for assembling furniture, for example).

Equipment composition
With a wide range of equipment designed for various types of products in its price list, Imanpack can supply complete automated lines for packaging and packing fasteners on a turnkey basis, or provide the opportunity to upgrade and expand existing equipment.

A number of different functional devices are available for this purpose:
- Electronic weighing batchers - 14 models to meet various requirements for packaging metal products, taking into account the size of the product, the range of weights during packaging, productivity and many other factors.
- Highly specialised product feeding equipment: tipper lifts, vibrating feed hoppers, conveyor belts, roll conveyors and other equipment required for a fully automatic line.
- A set of equipment for preparing and completing the process of packaging products in cardboard boxes: automatic box formers, cardboard box valve closers that allow automatic transition from one format to another.
- Magnetic orientation systems for products in packaging (e.g. nails, screws) in the bag and in the box.
- Vertical equipment for packaging products in plastic bags. Imanpack was one of the first companies to use the technology of packaging hardware products in bags with the ability to orient them.
- Special mechanisation for feeding plastic containers of the KLT type, widely used in the automotive industry.
- Automatic feeding systems for production lines for heat treatment of fasteners.
- Labelling machines.
- Palletisers

Equipment performance
As mentioned above, quick changeover systems facilitate the diversification of batches without reducing productivity. In addition, each time you switch to a different size, you are guaranteed a quick return to the original position. The format can be changed within a few minutes, and the equipment can be started up under the new programme without empty or defective runs. can provide equipment speeds of up to 60 packs per minute.

Advantages of Imanpack equipment
- Reliability: the equipment is designed for stable operation and long-term operation in various production conditions.
• Простота обслуговування: обладнання може обслуговуватися технічним персоналом різного рівня. Процесорний пристрій має достатній обсяг пам’яті для зберігання зберігання численних робочих програм, що забезпечує швидке регулювання машини при переході на інше виробниче завдання.
- Accuracy: electronic weighing batchers operate with a maximum accuracy of ±1 pc. at different weighing limits. Electronic equipment ensures minimal weight error: 0.5 g at a working cycle of 15-20 doses per minute.
Counting modules with a zero-defect system ensure 100% counting accuracy. Imanpack equipment is supplied to dozens of countries around the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Latvia. In addition, the company is the exclusive supplier of packaging equipment for many of the world's leading manufacturers in various industries, such as IKEA (furniture) and SKF (bearings).

For more information about Imanpack equipment, please contact your official representative and partner in Ukraine, Steiner-Ukraine


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