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Packaging of medical devices: challenges and new technologies

Medical device packaging plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the medical industry in Ukraine. To ensure that the integrity of medical products is maintained and patients are protected, packaging must meet high standards and meet the specific requirements of this sector. Today, with the development of new technologies, it is time to consider modern challenges and innovative approaches to medical device packaging.

Regulatory requirements and standards:

Requirements for sterility and tightness of medical device packaging.

Compliance with international and regional standards.

Ensuring product labelling.

Protection against external influences:

Protection against physical damage during transport and storage.

Бар’єрні властивості для захисту від вологи, світла, кисню та інших факторів зовнішнього середовища.

Packaging with special properties, such as anti-static or temperature-controlled.

Environmental requirements:

Development of environmentally friendly materials for medical device packaging.

Minimise the use of plastic and switch to biodegradable or recyclable materials.

Ensure efficient disposal and recycling of used packaging.

Innovative technologies:

Use of barcodes, QR codes and RFID technologies for product traceability and identification.

Built-in sensors for monitoring product condition and storage conditions.

Packaging with integrated automatic opening systems for the convenience of patients and medical staff.

Packaging for medical devices and instruments:

Compliance with specific sterility and protection requirements for medical devices and instruments.

Packaging that facilitates efficient storage, organisation and access to medical equipment.

Упаковка медичних виробів стає все більш важливою в умовах воєнного стану в Україні. Виклики, пов’язані з безпекою, регуляцією та стерильністю, вимагають нових технологічних рішень. Інновації в упаковці медичних виробів, включаючи використання спеціальних матеріалів, технологій і маркування, допомагають забезпечити якість та безпеку медичних продуктів, а також полегшують доступ до них для пацієнтів та медичного персоналу.


Today, Steiner Ukraine actively cooperates with pharmaceutical companies that provide our population with essential elements to maintain their physical and psychological well-being. To achieve the companies' goals, we work with the best suppliers of packaging equipment that have high standards of cleanliness and guarantee safe processes, including

  • ILPRA (trailers, vacuum cleaners)
  • EFFYTEC (sachet)
  • MENTPACK (sticks and sachets)
  • PRISMA (checkers)

The packaging of medical devices must be capable of maintaining the degree of sterilisation, making the manufacturing information usable and preventing easy opening by children or at-risk subjects.

Choose the best, choose quality.

For high-quality packaging equipment, please contact our manager by phone: +38 (044) 390-73-38


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