The war has certainly forced Ukrainians to change their preferences and consumer habits. Since the first days of the war, the market for packaging, packaging materials and packaging aids has seen many developments. Perceptions of reliability, processing and packaging technologies that make life easier are changing rapidly. First of all, processing and packaging technologies that are convenient for the consumer in times of war are gaining momentum. For the consumer, who today needs to eat on the go, on the road, snacks must be packaged in containers of the right size, easy to carry, re-seal and use later.
Due to the many similar processes, there are many requirements for product packaging manufacturers, which vary depending on specific circumstances and needs. In areas of military conflict, the demand for protective packaging increases as the risk of damage or contamination of goods increases.
We know of cases where the shelling delayed the delivery of raw materials to different regions of Ukraine. To reduce the time it took to pack the product, the manufacturer switched to a simpler packaging method, in particular, simply writing "sugar" or "buckwheat" on the packaging. At that time, advertising the product took a back seat - the most important task was to preserve the product's properties and send it to consumers as soon as possible.
Communicating with product manufacturers, we understand that environmental safety, airtightness, ensuring the ease of opening and closing the product, protecting goods and preserving their functionality remain the most important factors in the development and use of packaging during the war.
Use of environmentally friendly materials, reduced use of plastic components and recyclable packaging.
Packaging must protect goods from moisture, dust, contamination and potentially hazardous substances.
The packaging requirements are to provide clear and accurate product information, for example through QR codes that allow detailed product information to be viewed using smartphones. To ensure a quick response, only the origin, composition and production methods are indicated on the products.
In our daily conversations with manufacturers, we understand that the focus of manufacturers today is on processing and packaging solutions. Producers are looking for new packaging solutions that will meet their needs and meet modern market requirements.
It is important for us to work with manufacturers to respond flexibly to market demands, which are reflected in the immediate needs of consumers. We help product manufacturers convey their uniqueness to consumers even in such a difficult time. We carefully select technological equipment, continuously look for new solutions and offer innovative equipment.
Technology is developing very rapidly, and we have to keep up to date with it. We visit exhibitions, communicate with international partners, and watch major campaigns abroad. We know that well-organised packaging makes it easier to place and store products.
Order equipment from trusted suppliers. Remember. Too low a price for equipment often indicates low quality, hidden defects, lack of information about the origin of the equipment, and other problems.
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