Рішення для молочних, м’ясних продуктів та напоїв
Well, who doesn't know doy-pack packaging? Today, it is widely used in various industries: food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Everyone knows and buys mayonnaise, ketchup, juices, coffee in doypacks
The popularity of doypacks is not surprising. In addition to being less expensive than glass or tin, it has a number of other advantages.
Simplicity and lower operating costs for doypack equipment, low packaging weight and storage space (this applies to roll-to-roll and ready-made packages). compared to cans and bottles, such packages fit more on retail shelves. Plus, the individual design makes it stand out from the competition.
But the applications for this packaging are much wider than it might seem at first glance.
The doy-pack is not limited to the traditional functionality: the presence of a cap, zip fastener or notches for easy opening. presented in doy-packs.
На полицях супермаркетів вже можна зустріти молочні продукти в новій упаковці: йогурти, сир, молочні напої,дитяче харчування. Можна знайти м’ясні і готові страви в упаковках дой-пак. Нестандартні рішення і різні варіації напоїв (як алкогольних, так і безалкогольних). Наприклад, фігурні пакети, пакети з різним розташуванням ковпачка, пакети з трубочкою всередині і зовнішній і для того, щоб запобігти і в будь-якому випадку. алкогольних напоїв з високим рівнем вмісту алкоголю.
In Ukraine, unfortunately, we can only use pacetto-pack for low-alcohol drinks: beer, wine, cocktails.
Combined doy-pack packages
An interesting solution is combined doypacks, for example, multi-chamber doypacks, bunk doypacks, doypacks with pockets.
Multi-chamber doy-pack (Fig. 1).
В обидві камери можна наповнювати різні за фізичними властивостями продукти: штучні з пастоподібними, рідкі з рідкими, сипкі з сипучими. Він застосовується для пакування готових страв. В одну секцію можна вкласти м’ясо або рибу, а в іншу – гарнір або соус. Або комбінувати гарнір із соусом або підливою. Як варіант, такий пакет можна використовувати для упаковки молочних десертів: в одній секції сирний крем, а в іншій сироп або печиво.
Two-tiered doy-pack (Fig. 2).
The product is located at the top of the bag, and when the finished dish is heated in a microwave oven, excess moisture drains to the bottom. The bottom part can be coloured thanks to special printing.
Daypack with pockets (Fig. 3).
Такі пакети застосовуються для змішування продукту перед відкриттям або для вкладення якоїсь штучної продукції. Досягається цей ефект за рахунок того, що шов на кишені приварюється з невеликим зусиллям, що при невеликому силовому впливі шовки кишені розривається і продукти можна перемішати. Такий пакет виглядає оригінально на полиці і зручний для покупця. Подібним образом можна змішувати салат (олії спеції знаходяться в кишеньці) або м’ясні снеки з соусом.
In addition - design
Alternatively, you can play up all of these types of packages as well as standard doypacks with colour printing. or boxes, etc.
All of these other configurations are possible; it all depends on the imagination of the marketer or new product manager.
Effytec packaging equipment
The Spanish company Effytec can offer a technical solution for the implementation of these and other types of packaging. More specifically, we offer doy-pack and sachet packaging machines that are ready to produce products in doy-packs with virtually any configuration, shape and design of packaging invented by the product manufacturer. As a standard, Effytec machines provide for the formation of the pouch and the subsequent packaging of the product on the same machine. Machines are also available for the production of pouches and their subsequent sale.
Special packages are gaining popularity
Different variations of doypacks are possible not only due to the design of the packaging, but also due to special processing and manufacturing methods. For example, in addition to ambient or hot packs, autoclavable bags and Ultraclean packaging are becoming increasingly popular today.
The subtleties of technology
A retort pouch or autoclavable doy-pack is a bag made of thermally welded multilayer material that can withstand autoclave sterilisation temperatures.
Effytec is one of the few companies that can boast the technology to produce autoclavable bags "from the roll" with subsequent filling of the bag with product and sealing, a complete cycle.
The quality of the weld is the most important and critical aspect of retort pouches. To achieve high-quality seams in retort bags, high and uniform pressure is required over the entire seam surface. Effytec machines are equipped with this technology. The special shape of the welding plates ensures that vertical and horizontal seams are welded simultaneously, avoiding the critical zone at their intersection. This critical area, where 4 layers of material are formed, is the most problematic. And triple boiling of each seam followed by cooling guarantees the integrity of each package.
All Effytec welding pads have an individual temperature setting and can be adjusted depending on the type of film, etc.
Ultraclean technology
The Ultraclean technology offered by Effytec can significantly extend the shelf life of products that, due to their structure, cannot be subjected to intensive heat treatment, or the manufacturer does not want to resort to using preservatives.
The purity of the packaging is achieved by cleaning with hydrogen peroxide vapour. This procedure is carried out under special conditions and involves first a treatment with peroxide, and then purified air removes excess reagent. The cap, if present, is treated in the same way or with ultraviolet radiation. Ultraclean conditions are the third factor required to implement Ultraclean technology. These conditions are achieved by cleaning the parts of the machine that come into contact with the product, as well as by constant backpressure of purified air. Its flows, passing from top to bottom through the HEPA filter, do not allow bacteria to penetrate the machine.
Thus, depending on the product, temperature, its further transportation and storage, the shelf life of products can reach 60 days. Examples of applications for this technology include yoghurts, dairy drinks, fruit purees, juices and other similar products. Products can be packaged in doypacks regardless of their physical properties and processing technologies. Modern packaging solutions will satisfy any customer's request in terms of packaging shape, configuration and design.
Steiner-Ukraine specialists will advise and assist you in choosing the best packaging technology for your products.
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