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Productive pig and poultry farming

It's no secret that farming in the Ukrainian way means, first and foremost, adapting Western technologies to our realities. Even the most modern feed may not work if the farm manager does not know whether the animals have actually received it in the planned amount.

But how do you control the daily feed intake and consumption? After all, these are some of the most important indicators - feed consumption in grams per head and feed conversion. Whether in pig or poultry farming, you need to know this data, as well as the average weight of the animals. And the more accurate it is, the better. So how do you do it?


There is a technology that will allow the manager to know the balance and consumption of feed in the bunkers at any time, even in the middle of the night. Steiner-Ukraine offers to install the Dutch Opticon-Agri system, which is designed to monitor feed weight 24 hours a day. You do not need to buy a new feed bunker - the company's specialists will come and install load cells under the "paws" of your existing bunker (silo), which will provide data on the weight of the feed in it around the clock, seven days a week. Information about the actual feed loaded into the bunker, as well as its daily selection, is recorded by a microcomputer and displayed on a computer or mobile phone screen. This system has been operating reliably on pig and poultry farms in Europe and the Middle East. For example, Polish pig farmers, as soon as they installed weight sensors on their bins, immediately started receiving more feed from suppliers. It turns out that they had been "underdelivering" a little bit before! And how much do you get shortchanged?


What about the live weight of the bird?

Live weight is an important indicator and each breed has its own growth curve. Please take a look at the growth curve of the Cobb 500 breed. In 175 days, the hens reach 3229 grams. The convenience of the chart is that you can see the expected weight for any given day. And if your chickens weigh less, the question arises: why? Perhaps the fans were not switched on, or there was a lack of water, or the temperature went beyond the optimum range?

All of these parameters can be monitored and analysed for their impact on livestock weight using the DWS-20 OpticonAgri system.

So, should we just weigh the chickens?

Yes, and do it regularly, regardless of their number. Only with constant weight control will the average be so accurate that you can see the amount of daily gain. If your poultry house is industrial, manual weighing is too time-consuming and inaccurate - see the table for confirmation. Only with constant weight control will the average be so accurate that you can see the amount of daily gain. If you have an industrial poultry house, manual weighing is too time-consuming and inaccurate - see the table for confirmation.

The daily weight gain can only be determined after a large number of weighings! Otherwise, the error will be many times greater than the gain. For example, after weighing 16 turkeys, we have an error of 100 grams, which is more than the daily weight gain. We need to weigh 400 to get an accurate result! Only the Dutch automatic scales DWS-20 can handle this.

Instead of relying on the inaccurate results of a single manual weighing, we suggest installing automatic scales in the poultry house to monitor poultry weight around the clock. Hundreds of automatic weighings per day - saving time for the technologist and exceptional accuracy.
The birds are happy to jump in to be weighed, and the system records their weight and calculates the exact average, even subtracting the droppings on the platform. With the Dutch OpticonAgri weighing system, you can immediately see how much weight the birds have gained today. If there is a drop in weight on the graph, you need to find out why and take the necessary measures in time: this way you will not lose weight and therefore money. For example, just one additional percentage point of egg production and a 1% reduction in mortality on average yields an additional $10,000 a year (for a flock of 65,000 hens).
A mathematically precise farm provides thousands of dollars in additional income! Do not trust manual weighing with a huge unacceptable error.

Automatic Dutch Opticon Agri systems from Steiner-Ukraine pay off well and simplify the work of the technologist - they allow you to monitor the weight of feed in the bins and their daily consumption, track poultry growth online, control water consumption, and microclimate parameters in the poultry house. Don't hesitate to implement new control and management technologies with us!
Call Steiner-Ukraine, we will give you a thorough answer, tell you and show you how the equipment works. Our specialists provide installation, adjustment and technical support of the equipment!


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