1) Sterilisation cycle.
Грунтуючись на циклах стерилізації буряків у м’якій упаковці (цілі сирі буряки, товщина пакета 55-65 мм), які використовують клієнти Steriflow, час повного циклу становить близько 70-75 хв, з яких 30-35 витримка (121С). Нагрів від 20С до 121С становить 10 хвилин. Охолодження до 30С займає 20 хвилин.
2) Heating.
The speed of product heating depends primarily on the product itself, on its consistency. Therefore, it is illogical to claim that a technology heats a product faster simply without specifying the product. Saturated steam does carry more heat energy than water. But the basic fact is that steam autoclaves do not work on pure steam, but on a steam-air mixture. Air is needed to create back pressure in the autoclave chamber. It is a great insulator and reduces the heating capabilities of the steam. A fan is used to mix both steam and air and to circulate them. For example, a steam-air mixture at 120°C and 2 bar yields about 4000 kcal/cm2, and a water cascade has about 9000 kcal/cm2.
Також під час нагрівання варто включати час продування парового автоклава, тобто. час, коли витісняється повітря та камера наповнюється необхідною кількістю пари. У цей час продукт не нагрівається, але ці 3 хвилини є невід’ємним часом циклу.
3) Cooling.
Water cascade cooling is much more efficient because of the more powerful cooling water flow. The nozzles in a steam autoclave have a weak effect because they are a resistance area of their own. In Steriflow, the water flow is free through the distribution grid and is more powerful.
4) Other advantages
Other advantages of Steriflow are also worth noting:
- Full recovery of steam condensate due to the heat exchanger (not available with direct steam injection, everything is lost in the chamber)
- Possibility of partial autoclave loading, which gives flexibility and convenience in production modes (not possible with steam autoclaves due to strict positioning of the baskets to ensure uniform steam-air flow)
- There are other design features that we can talk about in more detail during the meeting.
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