Французька компанія Sidel Group – була заснована в 1965 році, як Société Industrielle Des Emballages Légers SA – Промислова Компанія Легкої Упаковки. Інженери Sidel винайшли перші пластикові пляшки з ПВХ – поліетилен високої щільності та розробили автоматичне обладнання, яке використовується при створенні легкої пластикової тари замість скла.
In the 1980s, PET bottle production was launched, making the company the most popular.
Sidel Group companies manufacture equipment for food packaging and beverage filling lines:
The company is headquartered in Parma, Italy. Following the acquisition of Sidel, Tetra Laval also acquired the Simonazzi plants from the SIG Group, which specialises in the production of machines for filling PET and glass bottles and aluminium cans. The Sidel Group is a multinational manufacturer of equipment covering the entire beverage packaging production line.
Sidel is a leading supplier of packaging equipment, services and complete solutions for the bottling line, food, household and personal care products in PET bottles, cans, glass and other packaging materials. About 40,000 Sidel Group machines are installed worldwide in more than 190 countries. Each piece of packaging equipment is the result of more than 170 years of proven experience and innovation. The company constantly strives to provide its partners with advanced systems, technological lines and innovations designed with a single goal in mind: to ensure that its customers' business goals are achieved.
As Steiner-Ukraine is committed to the success of its customers, we represent Sidel equipment in Ukraine, with which everyone can be sure of solutions that optimise the packaging of industrial products, increase packaging line productivity and help grow their business. Take advantage of the company's 30 years of experience in creating PET bottle blow molding equipment.
Загальна мета – завжди забезпечувати продуктивність, необхідну досягнення поставлених цілей. Для цього потрібно зрозуміти кожну проблему, з якою стикається замовник. Найкращі партнерські відносини ґрунтуються на постійному спілкуванні, і першим кроком завжди є визначення того, що робить спільний бізнес унікальним.
Ensuring the value of each business means understanding the financial ambitions and the environment in which the company - a potential customer of new packaging equipment - operates.
We will tell you what you need from the new equipment to achieve your goal by calling +38 (044) 390 73 38
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