Перебуваєте у пошуках надійного постачальника мембранних насосів для свого підприємства? Наша компанія знає, що якісне обладнання – це запорука успіху вашого бізнесу!
Every day, enterprises operate different types of pumps, which differ depending on their purpose.
History of creation
The history of the first diaphragm pump dates back to the early 1940s. They were made of steel and the diaphragms were made of rubber. Such pumps were used in the mining and construction industries. In the mid-50s, American engineer Jim Wilden developed the first pneumatic diaphragm pump. This was caused by the need to pump sludge at metallurgical enterprises. This work required a self-priming pump capable of pumping slurry containing solid particles and having the ability to dry start. Later on, these properties of the units proved to be very useful for use in other industrial sectors, which led to further improvement of this type of equipment.
Choosing a pump is a complicated process!
Before you buy a new unit, you need to answer a number of questions. Do you need a new pump or are you replacing a pump and need a specific model? Is the process standard or do you need additional components or a special design, which increases the cost of the pump significantly.
Мембранний насос – безпечне перекачування
The pneumatic type of pump is safe, i.e. explosion-proof, as it uses inert gas or compressed air. The diaphragm pump is designed in such a way that there are no exposed friction or rotating parts, which makes it safe.
Advantages of diaphragm pumps:
The Steiner diaphragm pumps are available in a variety of designs:
Steiner-Ukraine offers the best pumping equipment from European manufacturers. We offer a wide range of pumps and pumping systems for industrial needs. We have a large catalogue of pumps of various types, where you can choose a model and find out the cost of the pump - http://steiner-pumps.com/pumps/pneumatic-diaphragm-pump
Get a consultation: +38 044 390 73 38, + 38 067 325 03 83.
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