A project that we are summing up together with you! Months of work, selection, approval, coordination of details and finally, the new equipment is already in production and ready to provide our smaller friends with a quality product!
KORMOTECH – наш давній клієнт, українське підприємство, найбільший виробник кормів для домашніх тварин в Україні.
We work with the best! For over 70 years, Selo has been working in the meat processing and pet food industry. Over the past 25 years, Selo has become one of the world leaders in providing turnkey solutions in the field of wet pet food preparation systems based on steam tunnel technology.
Неодноразово ми згадували про цього виробника та його лінії виробництва в наших стрічках. Проте, якщо ви забули та плануєте виробляти чи то вологий корм чи то перероблювати м’ясну продукцію, поспішаємо вам нагадати:
Steam tunnel processing. High-quality pet food with preserved taste and colour. Selo pet food lines have a high production capacity, but are also suitable for small-scale production. In addition, it has a hygienic design that makes it easy to clean the line. Selo pet food lines can be connected to any packaging machine.
Together with Steiner, Selo takes care of everything, whether it concerns well-known brands or a start-up manufacturer who needs complete production line support. Globally, Selo is active in the new growth markets for pet food, such as Eastern Europe, Central and Southeast Asia and South America. But of course, they also help established manufacturers with optimisation and flexibility. Selo is the undisputed market leader in the production of pet food using steam tunnel technology.
Have we convinced you that Steiner is a reliable partner? Call +38 (044) 390-73-38 and we will find the best solution for you.
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