At all stages of cooperation with SIDEL, we work hand in hand, so we have full confidence in our partner. About innovations in food packaging.
Doing something that no one has ever done before is not an easy task, but sooner or later, traditional formats are replaced by new solutions that allow you to preserve the freshness, taste, and structure of the product for longer. This suggests that the capabilities of modern food packaging and packaging materials, combined with effective technologies, can significantly increase the degree of product protection, extend shelf life, make it stand out on the store shelf, and ensure and increase its attractiveness to consumers.
Every consumer, taking care of themselves and their loved ones, first and foremost considers the path to a healthy lifestyle from the perspective of the packaging industry. Their interest in healthy and functional drinks continues to grow. The trend towards a healthy lifestyle will undoubtedly further accelerate the growth of sales of juices, nectars, soft drinks, teas, and liquid dairy products.
Consumers want foods that are made from natural ingredients, free of preservatives, low-sugar or naturally sweetened beverages, and high nutritional value.
Every consumer should think about how much natural ingredients a product contains and how it can meet the demand for innovative and more natural drinks that can be produced in an environmentally friendly way. How does packaging become part of the environmental solution? What kind of packaging is environmentally friendly?
We know how to help consumers become more interested in a healthier lifestyle, which will help them fulfil all their needs from the perspective of the packaging industry. Consumers care about packaging and its quality. Our commitment to product sustainability is reflected in the packaging solutions we provide to our customers.
We cooperate with those key players in the packaging equipment industry who are focused on high quality, increased production speed, reduced resource consumption, raw material savings, bottle reliability and consumer appeal.
SIDEL – новатор міжнародного масштабу у виробництві і дизайні асептичного розливу. Запропоновані ними рішення є автоматизованими, високоефективними, швидкими і, що важливо, стабільно забезпечують економію електроенергії по всьому виробничому процесу.
The main advantage of aseptic bottling is that it makes it possible to significantly extend the shelf life of a product without the use of any additives or preservatives, which is why it is so successful in the market.
At the moment, there are other technologies for filling liquid products, but they all lose out to aseptic filling. For example, hot filling. Undoubtedly, it extends the shelf life of the product, but high temperatures can spoil the taste of the drink. Pasteurisation, on the other hand, preserves the taste perfectly, but it cannot extend the shelf life.
The advantages of aseptic technology also include the fact that products in aseptic packaging do not require special conditions such as refrigerated storage.
Асептичний розлив від SIDEL – це ідеальний спосіб стерилізувати продукт і при цьому зберегти всі його смакові і харчові якості. Оскільки в останні роки очікування клієнтів шалено зростають, необхідність виробляти напої в ПЕТ-пляшках в асептичних умовах стало життєвою необхідністю.
If you need full production flexibility, work with all types of beverages and bottle formats, and easily and safely produce any long-life beverage without preservatives, our French partner SIDEL provides you with a simple and flexible packaging solution.
Співпраця з SIDEL – це хороша страховка на майбутнє. Завдяки швидкій реакції на запити і готовності SIDEL підлаштовуватися під ваші вимоги, ви можете організувати безперебійний процес управління будь-яким проектом.
Використовуючи асептичний розлив на своєму виробництві, ви в змозі легко і безпечно виготовляти будь-який напій тривалого терміну зберігання без консервантів, користуючись чудовими перевагами, пропонованими ПЕТ упаковкою як з точки зору здоров’я, так і маркетингу.
У таких галузях, як харчова промисловість, виробництво напоїв і фармацевтика, попит на гігієнічне, ефективне та…
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