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Liquid nitrogen dispenser in the beverage industry

If you are bottling vegetable oils, bottling wine products, producing non-carbonated drinks, water and juices in plastic containers, then you really need this equipment!

Досвід використання дозаторів рідкого азоту показує, що термін окупності цього обладнання становить 1,5 – 2 роки. Потім це обладнання приносить Вам додатковий прибуток за невеликих початкових витрат. Дозатори легко інтегруються в існуючі виробничі лінії. Легке налаштування та легке обслуговування.

Nitrogen dispensers allow for successful packaging of products for both cold and hot filling into PET containers. The dispensers are used in production:

  • juices;
  • juice drinks and concentrates;
  • oils, wines;
  • of calm water.



In beverage filling technologies, liquid nitrogen is used to inert the space above the product and increase the rigidity of PET containers. After being injected into the container, the dose of liquid nitrogen evaporates intensively, changing from a liquid to a gaseous state, increasing its volume by 700 times.

This process ensures two main factors:

  • to displace air and oxygen residues from the bottle before closing, replacing them with nitrogen gas, which in turn extends the shelf life of the product;
  • After capping, liquid nitrogen expands during evaporation and creates overpressure, significantly increasing the rigidity and strength of PET containers.


This is an important factor in warehousing and transport, as well as in preventing the "vacuum seal" effect that occurs when a hot product is cooled in a sealed container.

The purchase of a nitrogen dosing unit allows you to:

  • Significantly reduce the cost of preform and mould material for PET;
  • to fill convenient, lightweight and low-cost PET containers with cold or hot contents without the need for heat treatment;
  • pay back the cost of the dispenser within 1-2 years;
  • Since nitrogen is the main component of air, it is safe and chemically inert, slightly soluble in the product and approved for use in the food industry.


The creation of an inert environment in food and beverage containers (such as wine, liqueurs, fresh juices, etc.) significantly slows down oxidation processes, while maintaining the taste and freshness of the product for a longer time.


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Tags: PETvbs

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