Despite the history of beer, which has been brewed by dynasties, brewers are always striving to discover new horizons and flavours. No brewer rests on its laurels, tirelessly upgrading and improving its brewing facilities and inventing new flavours year after year.
Mmm... It's so delicious when a dense foam or beer head, consisting of small gas bubbles, forms on the surface of the glass. Fans of the foamy drink even believe that the higher and denser the foam, the better the quality of the product.
In the vast majority of modern beer brands, the foamy head is formed by carbon dioxide, or CO2 in chemistry terms. This raises the question: "Where does it come from inside the can or bottle?". First of all, the appearance of carbon dioxide occurs as a result of the natural fermentation reaction of beer wort. However, its amount is not very large. To create a better visual effect, producers additionally carbonate their foamy products.
The peculiarity of nitrogen beer is that brewers add nitrogen to the bottle rather than CO2. The only real difference between these types of beer is the nature and quality of the resulting foam. In the case of nitrogen, the beer head lasts much longer and looks more aesthetically pleasing.
What has happened over the years? Today, nothing has changed, this intoxicating drink is still enjoyed by many people, it just becomes even tastier and more attractive over the years.
As a rule, when a person comes to a bar and orders a glass of beer, they expect to receive a high-quality product with a thick foam.
An ordinary bottle of beer doesn't have this effect, and to fix this, manufacturers invented the so-called nitrogen capsule. Most people who have tried nitrogen beer at least once can't drink another drink. Yes, nitrogen plays a significant role in brewing. And it is used in many stages of production.
Nitrogen has long been used to preserve the grain crops from which beer is produced. Purging grain is a process in which an inert gas displaces oxygen and prevents aerobic bacterial growth, extending the shelf life of the crops. To ensure that the taste of the drink does not deteriorate, the tanks are first filled with nitrogen and then beer is poured in, as oxygen affects not only the shelf life of beer but also its taste. The compressor station used in this process allows for these and other manipulations.
Nitrogen is also used at the stage of purification, removal of moisture and other gases. For example, the use of nitrogen in purification reduces water consumption and prevents oxidation of products, which reduces the loss of the final product to a minimum.
У зв`язку з тим, що азот має низьку розчинність, при попаданні цього газу в ємність з пивом з’являються бульбашки, а отже, забезпечується перемішування пива низового бродіння зі звичайним пивом.
And the last process in which nitrogen is involved is displacement. Nitrogen is used to displace carbon dioxide. If the carbon dioxide is elevated, the taste of the beer becomes worse and the drink spoils faster due to foaming.
It is no wonder why the Irish, using nitrogen technology at the right time, came up with the most delicious intoxicating nitrogen drink called Guinness. It has a thick foam and a very pleasant taste, and is considered the benchmark among intoxicating drinks. What makes it unique?
The fact is that the manufacturer places a small plastic capsule in each bottle. This is the manufacturer's patent, its business card. Each of these capsules is two centimetres in size and contains nitrogen. This solution allows the manufacturer to preserve all the taste of the drink during transport and storage. The British company began using this technology in 1989 and has been using it ever since. This small capsule was awarded the title of an innovative breakthrough in the UK. That is why Guinness is considered a major beer brand around the world.
What is your favourite beer drink?
До речі, якщо ви намагаєтеся пов’язати свій життєвий шлях з виробництвом смачного пивного напою, компанія «Штайнер Україна» пропонує купити дозатори азоту різної продуктивності. Зв’яжіться зі спеціалістами нашої компанії, і вони підберуть вам дозатор азоту, який максимально підійде під ваші завдання за прийнятною ціною.
Памятайте! Пиво – товар делікатний, як і хліб, завжди має бути свіжим та смачним: саме цього чекає споживач. Шанувальники пива пред’являють високі вимоги до його свіжості, смаку та аромату, і важливо не обдурити їхні очікування. Сучасні технологічні процеси, системи зберігання та розливу дозволяють пропонувати клієнтам пиво без дефектів та успішно вести бізнес.
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